[Rhodes22-list] Clean Sails

Jim White jdwhite at panam.edu
Tue Mar 2 18:48:36 EST 2004

Hi folks
Finally got the time to remove the headsail from Menagerie, and cleaned it 
with laundry detergent and a soft bristled brush here at the lab. It did a 
pretty good job, even removed most of the light coat of algae which the 
previous owner had let grow (some sort of science experiment?, I don't 
know....). The clew has a couple of weak spots in it, several tears, and 
some of the zig-zags need re-enforcing,  but I think we can patch them up 
and at least get a little time out of it while we order a new one, and 
await its interminable arrival . There's a canvas shop here that does sail 
repair (kinda nice in a coastal community). But now my better half 
(sometimes referred to as "crew"...and what the hell, she refers to our 
boat as "La Movida" <in Spanish: my girlfriend>) would like me to buy her a 
heavy duty sewing machine so that she can do the repairs. I know they're 
pretty spendy, but having a sail repairer in the family...well I think I 
could justify that!  Seems like a good idea, do any of ya'll do that sort 
of thing (minor repairs  / repairs to your sails?) and if so what sort of 
machine(s) do you use? Recommend any good instructional material?

I'm about 3 days work (which, here equates to about 3 weeks time to get 
that much) from being ready to splash the boat for the season.

As always, thanks for your advice!

Jim White

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