[Rhodes22-list] pictures

Richard Smith sailnut at worldnet.att.net
Thu Nov 4 13:56:32 EST 2004

It's calm the sea is glassy except for the swell (looks like a swell from an
offshore storm.)

Looks like there is an offshore bar about 50 feet off the beach

Judging by the set of the genny he was on the starboard tack.  This is
confirmed in a later still where I can see the rudder is hard over toward
the port side which would cause the boat to turn to starboard (seaward.)
That that the captin applied helm seems to argue against motor failure.

The boat appears almost new (inexperienced owner?)

The mainsail cover is on and very carefully lashed (seems to indicate it was
never hoisted on the day in question)

The genny is set (difficult to understand if he was anchored).  I would be
inclined to set the main to produce a weather cock effect if disabled under
these conditions.

I would guess that he was motoring in the calm close to the shore, and the
bottom suddenly shoaled.  He headed seaward but got caught in a breaker and
broached ending up on the beach.

Richard Smith

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