[Rhodes22-list] Rummy

Steve Alm salm at mn.rr.com
Sun Nov 7 03:11:11 EST 2004

Dammit, Rummy, your Badgers beat the Gophers in football AND hockey today.
Of course, opportunist that I am, I made a small fortune in tips tonight
playing "On Wisconsin."   8-)

The other cool thing that happened at the gig tonight was that we had a big
group of Marines in the club tonight.  They were celebrating the 139th
anniversary of the USMC itself.  They were all decked out in full regalia in
their dress blues and their dates were all wearing formal gowns.  They were
quite a sight.  We got about 30 of them up on stage and sang "God Bless the
USA" for them and the crowd went nuts.  And after the song, I gave them a

Here's to Osama Bin Laden, that son-of-a-bitch.
May his pecker fall off with the seven-year-itch.
He's a cowardice wonder that hides in a cave,
May Marines piss Budweiser on that c--k sucker's grave.
And may they beat on his balls with a big brass hammer
Until his asshole whistles the Star Spangled Banner.
Down the hatch!  8-)


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