[Rhodes22-list] Saturday sailing.

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Sun Nov 7 10:48:49 EST 2004

Captain Bob Keller made an offer several months ago to an explorer group from 
his church to take the kids sailing. He found out on Friday that just about 
everybody in the group decided to come along. He had fourteen teenagers and 
three or four adult leaders all planning to go sailing....on his R22. We rounded 
up the troops and had four boats: Yankee Clipper with Captain Keller, Rum 
Runner with yours truly, R'Yot with Rodger and Betty and "No Name" with Captain 
Kroposki and wife Peggy. Four Rhodes for all those people, but a good time was 
had by all and the weather couldn't have been any niced. It was a T-shirt day 
once it warmed up and winds were just enough to give them a thrill. 
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