[Rhodes22-list] Politics -Tom Sowell

Ronald Lipton rlipton at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 20 13:55:33 EST 2004

> Our objective in Iraq has been from the beginning to
> change the political dynamics of a whole region.
> Yeah, it was sold on WMD, disposing a dictator, etc.,
> but the real reasons are that everything we've tried
> in the last thirty years haven't worked.  That point
> was driven home on 9/11.

Yes, it was sold on a lie - continues under no-win
conditions with no clear exit strategy, and has resulted
in dividing the US from it's allies, alienating much of
the word, and fostering Islamic fundamentalism.  If
what we tried in the past 30 years didn't work at least
it was not the flaming disaster that we have on our hands


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