[Rhodes22-list] Politics-Rummy supporting false news?

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Tue Oct 26 21:57:10 EDT 2004

Mr. Rummy,
Did you listen to the recording of embedded reporter?  Unfortunately, other
media are not playing the May 04 report by NBC.  CNBC is as of this moment
is denying it.  The embedded reporter can not say definitely there were or
were not any explosives there when the 101st took the facility.  However,
the sheer size in terms of weight would mean that 38 tractor-trailers would
be needed to move the stuff.  Now that could be all the trucks at once or
one truck each day for 38 days.  Are you saying that after the area was
taken over, even if not under complete control, nobody would have noticed?

In April the U. S. government was informed that after a detailed search of
the facility that the explosives were missing.  Why just a few days before
the election are the charges being made?  Would you consider that maybe
someone in the UN is trying to get even with Bush for exposing the Food for
Oil scandal?

I agree that Rush Limbaugh may not be the best source, but he does provide
the computer link to the original news release in April.  That in and of
itself provides a time line when this problem was discovered and made
public.  Are you saying the news report by the New York Times on Monday was
a better, more accurate report?

Now you know I am big on 'hot keys' and computer links.  Sometimes these
links are better than the national media.  The truth will make us free.  Try
to find sources that will help get you to the truth.  

Whatever the result, I can not wait until Wednesday a week.

Ed K

-----Original Message-----
From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of
R22RumRunner at aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:31 PM
To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics-Bill false news reports again

FYI, using Rush Limbaugh as a credible news source does not lend any 
credibility to your side of the argument.

Rummy.......chalk one up for Bill.
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