[Rhodes22-list] For Jay Friedland

dennis_narehood at att.net dennis_narehood at att.net
Fri Jul 1 13:37:59 EDT 2005

Thanks.  I will call you next week.  A Thursday or Friday after july 10 would be great.

I think I could get the mast up myself.  My concern is I may have other problems (like the Jib) that I would not recognize.   Also nice to have someone  to show me the proper way of rigging the boat.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Jay Friedland <jsail1 at verizon.net>
> Dennis-
> I remember the shock of discovery last year. I'm glad you pursued all 
> the replacements. Unfortunately, my work schedule is significantly 
> tighter than last year, but after July 10, it should free up a 
> bit-mostly Thursdays and Fridays. Contact me offline on my cell, 
> 201/803-5665. Although mast-raising is very straightforward and there 
> is a lot of support here on the list for detailed procedures, I hope we 
> can work the schedule out.

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