[Rhodes22-list] Tribute to Michael Meltzer

Robert Dobson robertdobson777 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 29 18:47:38 EST 2005

I had no idea that our list "Pro" was a Pru product. I
have been with Prudential for 29 years. I guess I am
one of though old goats, but way too young to retire.-

Again, What a country! Even with all our problems, we
are way ahead of 98% of the rest of the world. My
daughter got back for Rumania a year ago with a
similar report. Technology is 20-30 years behind what
we can not live with out. God has Blessed America.

Bob Dobson
s/v Kel Lee
-- ed kroposki <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
>   Hi Folks,
>      I have returned from Ukraine.  It is one story
> after another.  I am
> still functioning on Ternopil time.
>      One of the most outstanding facts of my trip
> needs my mention, tribute,
> and praise of Michael Meltzer.  What you say?  In
> western Ukraine, internet
> function was taking me back to the mid 1980's when
> we first went on line.
> Using their DSL the best speed I obtained was 68
> kbs.  More typically, it
> was in the 30's.  One dramatic experience was 10
> kbs.
>      I worked with two good computer engineers, one
> at the Medical
> University in Ternopil and the other at the State
> Nursing School in Rivne.
> These guys made the best of a marginal situation. 
> When checking whether or
> not their internet access was working they used
> their favorite internet
> site.  The engineer in Ternopil used a local
> Ukrainian web site and the
> engineer in Rivne used a Russian site.
>      Let it be said loud and clear, I could beat
> them with an American Web
> site, even at 30 bps.  I used www.rhodes22.org
> <http://www.rhodes22.org/> !
>      Those two engineers knew what they were doing. 
> So, it must be said
> that this web list, your rhodes list, must be
> designed and run by one hell
> of a good computer engineer!  In my opinion, Michael
> should be recognized
> and applauded for his work.  I sincerely hope that
> Prudential recognizes the
> caliber of the computer person that they have
> working for them.
>      Let it be said that Michael's design and work
> smoked the world in the
> Western part of the Ukraine.
> Ed Kroposki
> Greenville, SC, USA
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