[Rhodes22-list] Reply to Dan Snyder- 175 Genoa etc.

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Sun Nov 20 08:33:43 EST 2005

	Dan there has been discussion on foresails on this list since its
inception.  Mr. Rummy offers some good advice, go thru the available
archives and research the subject.
	There is a lot of debate about loss of sail shape when furrowing the
175.  Unless you are racing or in constant winds above 10 knots, I think
that argument is inconsequential or a non factor.  I have the 175 and it is
occasionally difficult to tack in very light winds.  But at least I am
moving, with a smaller sail you just might not be moving.  On the Rhodes 22
the Genoa provides your movement.  I have two set of tracks to use in
adjusting the Genoa.  Newer boats do not have the inside tracks, just a
cleat on the cabin side.  I am able to vary the sail shape by having two
sets of tracks.  You may just want to see a boat set up like mine to
evaluate the use of the two sets of tracks and their location.  I believe
that together they allow better adjustment of sail shape and effective use
of the 175 Genoa.  Stan has been messing around with boats for about 65
years, he put on that 175 for reasons.  Explore those reasons before
changing to another sail.
	Another topic that you have not seen presented is polling the Genoa
for light winds.  I have on the front of my mast a rail like the side rails
that I put a moving spinnaker ring on.  I use that more for using the
spinnaker pole for 'poling the genoa in light winds'.  There are more
answers to these topics in the archives.
	How deep is Sunapee Lake?  My brother lives in Hollis, NH, just
outside Nashua.  My daughter live in Leicester, VT, and we use I-89 when
visiting them.  I been all around Lake Champlain, but have never taken my
boat up.  For me that is a 1,000 trip.  There used to be a Rhodie on Lake
Champlain at   Burlington.  He dry sailed at the city docks and ramp,
therefore that is a place you could trailer to.  My daughter does not live
too far from Lake Champlain, near the Crown Point Bridge.  There is a marina
there: http://sayahoy.com/index.shtml. There is a map available with all the
current active marinas on both sides of the lake and in Canada.  Some of the
other marinas that I have visited are:

If you want to go to Cape Cod, there are several Rhodes 22's there.  Did you
see the post from the Maine Rhodie?

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
Addendum:  "No two cruising yachts are alike and nor will their sails be
trimmed exactly alike.  The only way to find the optimum trim for your boat
is to go sailing and practice, practice, practice."  Peter Nielson,
SailPower, Trim and Techniques for Cruising Sailors.

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