[Rhodes22-list] RE: Rhodes 22

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Sun Aug 27 11:42:53 EDT 2006

At 07:38 AM 8/27/2006 -0400, ed kroposki wrote:
>The Rhodes List is an open forum.  We strive to keep all
>communications 'above board'.  Notwithstanding that there are some who do
>not understand freedom and free speech.  You suggested others contacted you
>via email directly without posting to the list.

So, what's wrong with that?  I don't know of any requirement that 
says ALL communications between list members has to take place on the 
list.  Jeez, why do you care?  There are lots of very good reasons 
why some conversations should not be publicly broadcast.  As you 
recalled this is still a free country and I'll communicate with whom 
I choose in the manner I choose without your nose in the middle of 
it, thank you very much.



"Paranoia is when you think these are about you." 

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