[Rhodes22-list] Reduce your federal income tax (political humor)

DCLewis1 at aol.com DCLewis1 at aol.com
Mon Jun 26 11:01:19 EDT 2006

I assume the Email is about Senate Bill S. 2611(Immigration Reform),  
Sarbanes, a Democrat, was a co-sponsor.  But it occurred to me,  which party was the 
majority party that got the bill on the Senate calendar,  assembled the votes 
and passed it?  I think we know, but you  could find out quickly by talking to 
your Senator Lindsay  Graham (Republican from South Carolina), or you could 
ask Sen McCain (R-  Az), or you could ask Sen Frist (Republican Senate Majority 
Leader) - all  supported and voted for the bill ( 
(http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=2&vote=00157) )  .  
I am not an advocate for the bill, but I am an advocate for properly  
assigning responsibility for whatever brain-dead thing the Congress comes up  with.  
There are a whole lot of Republican  (and Democrat) Senators and Congressmen 
playing duck-and-cover  when it comes to immigration, or anything else, but the 
party in power is  Republican.  If the Republicans (e.g. Frist) had not 
supported the  bill, it wouldn't have happened.

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