[Rhodes22-list] Two Questions for Chris G of the Pacific Northwest

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Mon Jun 26 22:02:54 EDT 2006


	1.	When do you leave on your expedition?

	2.	How did you get the boat upright?  Did you bend the mast?
Stan's friend the retired navy admiral did the same thing in the Chessie Bay
a couple of years ago.  They bent his mast getting his boat upright.  He
said that he was in a storm and dropped anchor.  The boat got turned
sideways and his rudder was locked down. The first wave lifted him up and
sideways and the rudder stuck in the mud locking him sideways.  The next
wave and wind flipped him upside down.  He and a guest were in the cabin and
had to swim out.  

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA

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