[Rhodes22-list] Reduce your federal income tax (political humor)

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Thu Jun 29 23:02:35 EDT 2006


During WWII refugees were not allowed into South America, either.  There 
were boatloads full of them that were turned away by one country after 
another until finally the Nazis got most of them.

Many black people were turned away by Southern hospitals and there is no 
proof of their births anywhere.  You can get a Social Security card 
without being a citizen, but it's really tough without a certified birth 
certificate.  Illegals can get a drivers license.  Its easy enough to 
forge a birth certificate, but it's really really hard to get it 
certified if it was never issued in the first place.  Imagine you were 
the person certifying citizenship for people who were never issued a 
birth certificate.  How would you do it?

I can easily speak for my own situation.  We had hundreds of employees 
who were able to provide the paperwork required by the Government.  We 
were not permitted to challenge the people, or challenge the paperwork.  
We required the paperwork of everyone, not just those who spoke accented 
English. We withheld Federal Income Taxes, State Income Taxes, City 
Income Taxes, Social Security, Workman's Comp, Disability Insurance, and 
there were 2 or 3 more columns of deductions.  We paid minimum wage, and 
what was left at the end of the week was pitiful.  But that's all they 
got, and the government got most of the rest--for every single one of 
them.  Every other employer we knew did the same thing.  We didn't cheat 
any government out of a nickel because to do so would have been just 
plain stupid.

The underground economy is not confined to illegals, and many pay a huge 
amount of taxes in the above ground economy that they can never recover.

Bill Effros

DCLewis1 at aol.com wrote:
> Bill,
> I don't doubt that people were excluded in WWII, but many were  accepted.  
> And it occurs to me that their simply walking across the boarder  - as so many 
> immigrants do today - would have been one straightforward solution,  and a very 
> easy solution back in 1940.  They could have caught a cruise to  NYC, Vera 
> Cruz, wherever,  and just not gotten back on the ship - I bet  many refugee 
> immigrants do just that.
> Regarding people not born in hospitals not having birth certificates  so they 
> can't apply for Soc Security,  you and I both know people are born  at home 
> every day - they are born on the highway, at 30,000 ft,  everywhere - you're 
> going to tell me that these people are now stateless,  destined to wander the 
> world as homeless people?  I don't think so.   I'm confident the government - 
> brain dead though it may be - has a  straightforward way to certify these people 
> as citizens, and if they can be  certified as citizens they can have a Soc 
> Security card and/or other proof of  citizenship.
> Now you may counter the above by saying the people you were dealing with  
> just never went to that trouble, but again I have to wonder why.  Having  some 
> proof of citizenship will let you get a drivers license, proof of ID from  the 
> DMV, etc.  People use those documents daily to get into bars, drive  cars, get 
> jobs, etc.  It's passing strange that it just never occurred to  your friends 
> to make that effort - surely it's inconvenienced them in myriad  ways.  I have 
> to wonder what's up.
> Regarding your statement that substantial payments are made by  the illegal 
> immigrants to support their infrastructure needs  - this is the  core of our 
> disconnect.  Neither I, nor Wally, Brad in his dreams, nor  anyone else posting 
> on this board - other than you - believe that illegal  immigrants working on a 
> daily cash basis make payments (i.e. report their income  and pay taxes) to 
> support the social infrastructure they use.  If a  contractor is billing his 
> costs, THE  CONTRACTOR  (not the  immigrant worker) may have to pay taxes,  as 
> PT pointed out, but if he's  not billiing hours and  their costs don't appear, 
> he may well not  pay any taxes.  We may just have to disagree on this issue.  
> This is  the core issue.  
> Dave
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