[Rhodes22-list] Attachment test - progressive JPEG

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Sun Aug 12 11:16:07 EDT 2007

At 10:52 AM 8/12/2007 -0400, John Lock wrote:

>Art's flag, standard JPEG.

Ooops, forgot to change the bode message.  This was the progressive 
JPEG test and it appears to have worked.

So... the list software doesn't care about progressive JPEG if it's 
not told specifically that's what it is.

Notice in the attachment details below that the "Type" is identical 
to the standard JPEG I sent right before that - "Type: image/jpeg".

Looking back at Art's previous posting of this image, you'll see the 
image type is "Type: image/pjpeg"  That extra 'p' In there makes all 
the difference.

Art - that means your computer is packaging those images in a strange 
way.  I can recommend we try a few things, but I'll contact you 
off-list for that.  Thanks for the test images.  We're gradually 
narrowing down the issues.


>-------------- next part --------------
>A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
>Name: PennebakerFlagProgressive.jpg
>Type: image/jpeg
>Size: 116068 bytes
>Desc: not available
>Url : 
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