[Rhodes22-list] Captain John Lock - another try at getting small .jpg

ekroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Sun Aug 12 20:26:35 EDT 2007

This is interesting.  In the past, I could convert the suffix from JPEG to
jpg.  Checking old pictures, i.e., only six weeks ago, the same programs
would save a picture in either JPEG or .jpg.  Now I cannot get picture files
to save in .jpg, even going into dos.  I have tried both Paint and LPro.  I
am trying to attach a 3rd way.


In trying to force change to jpg it converted to gif?  Does it work?


Ed K

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: Naked Lady using small jpg.gif
Type: image/gif
Size: 81883 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://www.rhodes22.org/pipermail/rhodes22-list/attachments/20070812/6e52318f/attachment.gif 

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