[Rhodes22-list] Solar Mooring Light

David Huckabee huckabee_david at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 28 15:21:44 EDT 2007

For those with too much time on their hands...
       My 84 Rhodes sits on a mooring in the Muscongus Bay in mid-coast Maine.  There are a string of boats that are moored in a line along the shore, but there is a lot of traffic, especially lobster boats that often operate before dawn.  
       My Rhodes has a dark blue hull.  All the other boats moored along the shore are all white.  For some time I've wanted to mount a light to make the boat easier to see on moonless nights.
       I spotted a good deal on 15 Westinghouse brand, stainless steel and glass solar powered path lights at Costco for about $90 dollars.  Since I wanted some path lights anyway, I decided to experiment with using one as my mooring light.  
       I mounted one on a wooden bracket to fit on the mast raising system's fitting that sits on the cabin roof forward of the mast.  (I take off the light when sailing.)
       The light works great so far, and stays lit throughout the night until the electric eye turns it off.  I guess being on the water, the two AA nicads get enough juice to power LED throughout the night.  The light does not qualify as a Coast Guard approved anchor light, but hey, I'm at a permanent mooring, not at anchor.
        Anyway, I'm attaching some pictures (if I am successful sending them).

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