[Rhodes22-list] Ed, Mast Raising problems revisited

stan stan at rhodes22.com
Thu Jul 12 10:03:22 EDT 2007


it is about 1 3/4" in (the base of the 2 right triangles you will be cutting 
out) and about 3/4" high - not critical dimensions - you just do not want 
the pivoting mast to be pivoting on the two aft mast step screw heads.  We 
often put a notch in the bottom front center of the mast also to clear the 
third mast step screw head.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Huckabee" <huckabee_david at yahoo.com>
To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 8:35 PM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Ed, Mast Raising problems revisited

> Ed,
>     It has been a wet day in Maine, so I didn't make much progress on mast 
> raising problems, plus no pictures yet.
>     Forgive me, but I just realized "Tootle" was you.  The picture you 
> sent showing the mast crutch leaning somewhat forward over the lazerette 
> sparked an effort by me this morning to see if I could raise the mast and 
> create a better angle that might solve my problem clearing the 
> pop-top-to-mast slider fitting by changing the angle of the crutch.
>       My mast crutch, installed the same way as your picture, leans 
> slightly aft of the transom.  I took out the bolts of the white plastic 
> fitting that fits over the stern rail to see if I could get any meaningful 
> forward rotation to increase the crutch height.  I could not.
>       After running some errands today, my plan was to temporarily "build 
> up" the roller to see if drilling new lower holes on the aluminum poles to 
> lower the black transom brackets would give me clearance in order to avoid 
> the pop-top slider connection.  I didn't get the chance because of the 
> weather.
>        Stan responded to my email to him about the critical problem of the 
> mast binding on mast step by  first asking:   "is the aft bottom sides of 
> the mast cut back at an angle on each side?"  My mast has not been so 
> modified.  I'm awaiting Stan's instructions about how much metal I should 
> remove.
>  David,
> In case you haven't noticed, there is a lot of political diatribe posted
> lately.  You had a good sailboat question and have disappeared?
> Ed K
> Greenville, SC, USA
> ---------------------------------
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