[Rhodes22-list] Political reference by Ed - Hi, Brad!

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 19:27:58 EDT 2007


"I'm surprised that you have reacted so strongly in support of a
political organization with so many problems".

Of course I do.  All political organizations have problems.  The issue is,
do you accept them or do you force them to change? The GOP has serious
problems and I hope that the lack of contributions from people like myself,
and the "phone lectures" from people like myself    gives them the wake-up
call and beatings they deserve.

The scope of the birth control issue is beyond what I'm willing to discuss
on a public list, or its patience to listen to.  Having been confronted with
that issue headlong a couple of decades ago, I'm happy to say that the
subject of my personal experience just left on his second 'cruise' with the
USCG.  I was helpless in that situation but for my power of persuasion.  I'm
glad my argument won the day.


On 10/23/07, Robert Skinner <robert at squirrelhaven.com> wrote:
> Brad Haslett wrote:
> > Robert,
> > Please expound on that response.
> > "When the incumbent makes it clear that he has little respect
> > for the people at the bottom of the heap-"
> > Exactly where has 43 forgotten the people at the bottom of the
> heap?  School
> > choice?  Illegal Mexicans?  Elders and Medicare?  Inquiring minds want
> to
> > know.
> The proof is left to the reader as an exercise.
> I suggest that you consult the economic vs.
> political persuasion correlation.
> > Republicans?  I am one and they (the GOP) have learned not to call me
> and
> > ask for a donation the last few months.  We need a house cleaning and
> I'm
> > convinced the GOP will get one.  The 2006 election results were
> predictable
> > given an off year election during a lame duck Presidency. But, if they
> > didn't get the message, the lack of my checkbook response (and many
> others)
> > should give them a message.
> Yet to be determined.
> > Election robbery?  Give me a friggin' break.  The newspaper consortium
> that
> > recounted every single vote using every single method, including Al
> Gore's
> > first choice, gave the election to W.  Give it up!
> In politics, perception is reality.
> > "It is time for the pendulum to swing the other way".  It did, and they
> are
> > at the 11% approval rating level.
> When you take the field, you step in manure that
> you didn't put there.  It will take a lot of work
> to clean up the mess, and a lot of good people
> will get dirty doing it.
> > Now as to your comments about women - I'm confused.  Please explain it
> in
> > detail and not in code.  I'm not that clever or smart.
> Tying limitations on family planning support to
> foreign aid is tantamount to sentencing many women
> of those countries to unwanted pregnancies.
> That's at least slavery in my book.  Others might
> call it murder.
> As you are one of the more intellegent and well
> read people I converse with, I'm surprised that
> you have reacted so strongly in support of a
> political organization with so many problems.
> Note that I freely acknowledge that the Democrats
> have their own problems as well.
> /Robert
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