[Rhodes22-list] hit delete: it's ss on his box

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 13:20:17 EST 2008


Sorry to burst your bubble, but "The Big O" isn't rabidly anti-anything.  In
fact, WTF is he?  He was an Illinois state senator from a very liberal
district in Chicago who didn't stand a 'ghosts chance in hell' of winning
national office except for perhaps Congressman, but for the fact his
competition blew up and the replacement was Alan Keyes ( I donated money to
Keyes).  Obama has parsed the war issues with a scalpel that even the
Clinton's can't wield with such precision, and now that he's running for
POTUS the MSM is treating him as the "chosen one".   Personally, I think
he's a smart guy.  Ready for POTUS?  Absolutely not!  As Hillary has found
out, attacking the ChosenO garners all kinds of hatred and labels.  I don't
suffer from a guilt complex so I'll continue to fire away.

Obmamessiah, what exactly are your beliefs on anything?  Sorry, oh great
one, for a moment I thought I was a member of the "free" press doing my job!


On Feb 13, 2008 12:03 PM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:

> The problem with your analasys is that "the Big O" is rabidly anti-war.
> If he wins (and I freely admit it's a very good possibility), it will be
> interesting if he quickly learns that the job entails more than he
> originally thought, that there's more involved than just appeasing the
> left wing of the base.
> Brad Haslett wrote:
> > Lou,
> >
> > OK, you're only half nuts. You may be lucky or good, and better to be
> > lucky.  Pakistan WILL be the next battleground, that's where the bad
> guys
> > are.  IQI has mostly been run out of Iraq, and Pakistan is where they
> are
> > re-grouping.  Read "Lone Survivor" by Mark Lutrell.  No one, not the
> Brits,
> > not the Russians, and damn sure not the Pakastanis' have been successful
> in
> > dealing with the Pushtun Tribes.  It would be easier to fight a battle
> on
> > the moon. All this Bush Bashing has been fun for the last seven years
> but
> > he'll be gone soon.  The problems still remain.  Looking back on W's
> > performance, it has been pretty dismal.  We've been fighting this
> primitive
> > mindset for 1300 years and there is no reason it couldn't have been
> dealt
> > with overnight!  From my perspective it looks like the Big O is going to
> be
> > the next leader.  He's a Harvard lawyer right?  I say we sue their ass
> and
> > put John Edwards on retainer as the plaintiff's attorney.
> >
> > Gallows humor is probably not appropriate for so serious a subject but
> > sometimes I want to live in fantasy land just as much as the next guy.
> >
> > Brad
> >
> > On Feb 13, 2008 11:36 AM, Lou Rosenberg <lsr3 at nyu.edu> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Brad
> >>
> >> Of course Im nuts I bought a boat with not even seeing if the damn
> >> centerboard worked or not~!
> >> (one yr lost on just that repair)
> >>
> >> re: my post
> >>    do me a favor - save it. then when McCain has to  send troops to
> >> Pakistan before the end of the decade
> >>   you can read it again.
> >>
> >> The ISI is the elephant in the living room right now.  Nobody wants
> >> to talk about it because it will open
> >> up for discussion too many loose ends about 911.
> >>  too F__Kin BAD!
> >>
> >> THe truth will come out .
> >>
> >> The madmad of Dead Horse Flats has spoken!
> >> Lou
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> Back to you Lou, are you friggin' nuts?
> >>>
> >>> Let me put that in more civil terms given yesterday's posts.
> >>>
> >>> Lou, are you friggin' NUTS?
> >>>
> >>> Brad
> >>>
> >>> On Feb 13, 2008 11:13 AM, Lou Rosenberg <lsr3 at nyu.edu> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Stan
> >>>>
> >>>> I think its great that you air your opinions on this list!  That
> >>>> said, I agree with your take on having leaders be totally accountable
> >>>> to their decisions.
> >>>> But in the case of  Iraq , Afghanistan and Pakistan going back to
> >>>> 9/11/01 its not that simple.
> >>>> ie:  Its going to come out sooner or later that Bush & Cheney knew
> >>>> that there was a connection between Pakistan's ISI and M. Atta the
> >>>> supposed ringleader of the
> >>>> 9/11 hijackers.   That was only ONE  story the late Daniel Pearl was
> >>>> working on when he was killed.
> >>>>
> >>>>  If Bush had chose to undermine any strategic importance that
> >>>> Pakistan held in 2001 and instead decided to INVADE  Pakistan and
> >>>> Afghanistan to find
> >>>> Osama, I believe the Pakistanis would have had a chance to launch one
> >>>> of their nukes either at us or at Israel causing WWIII.  I have not
> >>>> an ounce of trust for the Pakistani regimes, in this regard.
> >>>>
> >>>> I am not defending Bush & Cheney 's decision to invade Iraq or
> >>>> Afghanistan.   I firmly believe they are complicit in a many schemes
> >>>> to defraud the people of America and will be held accountable at some
> >>>> time, most likely in the future.
> >>>>
> >>>>  New  Yorkers are working on making it happen sooner go to: http://
> >>>> www.nyc911initiative.org
> >>>>
> >>>> As Pakistan slips into anarchy and Musharaff clings to his military
> >>>> for power,  we will find ourselves engaging in some sort of military
> >>>> action to either suppress the anarchy or bring about
> >>>> a more stable regime in that country.  All this could have been dealt
> >>>> with years ago, but our foreign officers lead by this dysfunctional
> >>>> administration did nothing about it.
> >>>>
> >>>> Lou
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> O
> >>>>
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> >
> --
> Herb Parsons
> S/V O'Jure - O'Day 25
> S/V Reve de Pappa - Coronado 35
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