[Rhodes22-list] Non-Sailing / Non-Rhodes messages defeating the intentions and purposes of the Forum

Herb Parsons hparsons at parsonsys.com
Thu Jun 26 23:56:03 EDT 2008

   See what happens when you assume something, instead of actually
   reading what you agreed to.
   I suggest you go start a list on your own, and make it into what you
   want, instead of joing a list, ignroing the guidelines, and then
   complaining that it's "polutted" because it's not what YOU wanted.
   Brian Lepsis wrote:

When I signed up for the Rhodes22 list I assumed I was going to receive
info/exchanges on the Rhodes22 and sailing in general.  It is a shame that
the list serve has been polluted with an unacceptably high volume of
political and other non-sailing messages.  

-----Original Message-----
From: [1]rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[[2]mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Robert Skinner
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:49 PM
To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Political- media bias in reporting exposed...
afailure to think things thru

As a stockholder in XOM, I find no fault with the
management, but wish that they had constructed a
few more refineries when the Saudis weren't driving
up the market for construction equipment.

I also note that their dividends are keeping my
Toyota RAV4 in gas and my sailboats in good repair.

Brad Haslett wrote:


If you're smart enough to have bought XOM and hold it long term (wish I


been so smart but some of my mutual funds do hold XOM) then you're smart
enough to know that they are expected to pay dividends through 'thick and
thin'.  I'd be glad to go through their accounting statements and point


where your expected dividends are but (1) I hate accounting because I have


degree in accounting, and (2) I'm lazy.

Exxon/Mobile is enjoying record profits and ballyhoo! for them profiting


their investments they made when oil was at $11 per barrel.  As the 14th
largest producer of oil in the world and holding only 3% or the reserves,
they don't exactly control the market.  You better hope they hoard some


and invest some cash into new reserves so you can collect a dividend check
five years from now.  Of course, you could always vote with your feet and
buy something else.


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