[Rhodes22-list] This day in history

Herb Parsons hparsons at parsonsys.com
Fri May 2 16:11:22 EDT 2008

   There you have it ladies and gents. Now we know, the Navy is lying
   about their decision for the celebration. It was all a massive
   conspiracy to get a photo up, and shrouding it in secrecy was so
   important that President Bush's staff coerced the department of the
   Navy to play along. That wascally wabbit!!! Good thing Rummy uncovered
   the truth for us all, huh?
   [1]R22RumRunner at aol.com wrote:

Get real, the carrier celebration was nothing more than a photo op for W.
That ship and many more have come and gone from ports thousands of times and
were never broadcast nationwide.


In a message dated 5/2/2008 11:27:23 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
[2]flybrad at gmail.com writes:


Herb's a big boy and can defend himself, so I'll let  him.  I too feel his
frustrations at times though.  The carrier  landing was a celebration for the
men and women who had been at sea for a  good long while in support of the
Iraqi liberation. They were honored to  have been visited by their Commander
in Chief and it showed on their  faces.  President Bush didn't immediately
rush for the Admiral's  quarters, he spent a lot of time with the 'grunts'
taking photos, hugging  them, etc.  It was obvious they loved having him
aboard and watching  it live made me proud to be an American.  Was it a
political event as  well?  Everything a politician does is a political event.

Today's  newspaper is the first draft of history and often wrong in the
reporting  and analysis.  Go read a newspaper from 1948 to 1952 and see  how
popular Truman was at the time.  Some people are so jaded by their  BDS (Bush
Derangement Syndrome) that they can't see anything positive in  anything. You
are probably a classic case.  Bush's term is almost over  and it might be
time for everyone to move on to tomorrow's  problems.

Let me say this - when I think critics are taking delight in  the difficulty
and losses our military is encountering because it suits  their political
slant, it pisses me off to no end. Frankly, I don't think  we should have
engaged in 2/3rds of the deployments we did under Clinton,  and I didn't and
still don't like the Clintons.  That said, I want to  see any engagement
where we put our troops in harm's way to go well  regardless of how I may
personally feel about the commander.  My guess  is, Herb gets upset for the
same reasons I do.  Bitch about Bush is  you want, it's a free country.  The
men and women on that boat that  day risked their lives so you can do so.


On Fri,  May 2, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Rob Lowe [3]<rlowe at vt.edu> wrote:

Whoa,  Herb, easy now, got your panties in a knot now.

Feel free to  disagree with my politics or my opinions, but personal
 are both unwarranted and uncalled for.  It's long been said that  someone
that doesn't have anything useful to add to a discussion turns  to insults.
You don't know anything about me so your judgments have no  merit.  I'd
suggest you are violating the terms of  our charter (recently posted by
and repeated  here):

Netiquette: Posts to the group are expected to be  considerate of  other
readers. Personal abuse, flames, and  obscenities are  *not*
appreciated; but we are  sailors.......

Now, I could return insults, but see you reason  to sink to your level.

Yes, Bush what he said he was going to  do.  So what?  That doesn't make it

 Bush (in my humble opinion) is certainly the worse president in my  life
(well, maybe Nixon was worse, hard to say.   Nixon was just plain evil).
there is a good chance  history will judge him as the worse president ever.
You always ask for  sources, here's some





and I could go on  and on.

You don't agree with me?  fine, debate the  ideas.  show us what a great
president he is.  -  Rob

----- Original Message -----
From: "Herb  Parsons" [8]<hparsons at parsonsys.com>
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list"  [9]<rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 4:25  AM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] This day in  history

Rob, you're pathetic. Bush did exactly  what he said he did, and you want
to berate him for that. You're  a loser.

Rob Lowe wrote:

No smoke  being blown by me of course, just by Bush.

 ----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Haslett"  [10]<flybrad at gmail.com>
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list"  [11]<rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 01,  2008 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] This day in  history

 >> Rob,

I remember the  moment well - watched it live during the afternoon


 >> with a bunch of Navy pilots and a substantial number of Air  Force


commenting on how easy it must be  to land on a target that's always


into the wind. First, as a  pilot, Bush 43 proved his stripes flying a


 difficult and unforgiving aircraft.  He earned his flight suit  and


good in it that day!  You may  have a political point you want to


 >> be it.  Just don't blow smoke your asshole hasn't  earned!



On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Rob Lowe  [12]<rlowe at vt.edu> wrote:


Five years ago, today, President Bush  declares victory in Iraq


 aircraft carrier bearing a victory banner.
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   1. mailto:R22RumRunner at aol.com
   2. mailto:flybrad at gmail.com
   3. mailto:rlowe at vt.edu
   4. http://hnn.us/articles/48916.html
   5. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/12/01/AR2006120101509.html
   6. http://harpers.org/archive/2008/04/hbc-90002804
   7. http://www.pollingreport.com/wh-hstry.htm
   8. mailto:hparsons at parsonsys.com
   9. mailto:rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
  10. mailto:flybrad at gmail.com
  11. mailto:rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
  12. mailto:rlowe at vt.edu
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