[Rhodes22-list] New member to the group

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Mon Apr 26 15:04:01 EDT 2010

On Apr 26, 2010, at 14:48, Leo Zerilli wrote:
> A couple of the upgrades are interesting and I haven't seen much  
> written about anything similar in my research. The boat has a  
> Saildrive engine installed in the transom. It also has a wheel  
> rather than a tiller. I know some will say (including the General  
> Boats website) that a wheel is not as good as a tiller but I kind of  
> like the idea. Just another amenity that makes it feel like a large  
> cruiser.

Would love to see some pics of the Saildrive installation...  never  
heard that one before!

John Lock
s/v Pandion - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

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