[Rhodes22-list] Center Board Lift Line

Graham Stewart gstewart8 at cogeco.ca
Mon Sep 30 14:45:43 EDT 2013

I have attached a very rough diagram of the centreboard line path that I
drew when I removed mine. There are two blocks on the centreboard and one on
the cap. The line starts on the cap, goes under the first block on the
board, up over the block attached to the cap, down under the second
centreboard block and up through the tube. In my case I found that the
blocks had seized and yet I was still able to raise the board without too
much difficulty. Seized blocks would probably be worse than no blocks and so
I will be tempted to dispense with the blocks if others find them to not be


-----Original Message-----
From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Rob Granger
Sent: September-30-13 10:57 AM
To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Center Board Lift Line

Hey All

I'm restoring a badly neglected Rhodes and I'm at the stage of putting the
center board back into the skeg keel.

I have a question about the lift line.   On my centerboard, there are two
blocks about an inch apart.  Does anyone have a schematic of how the line
runs through those blocks?  Is there a block someplace up in the keel trunk?
If so, is it a 2:1 purchase kind of run or what?

This is what I'm thinking... is this correct?
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