[Rhodes22-list] Bugs be gone on boats.

The Rhodes 22 Email List rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Sat Jun 21 08:26:27 EDT 2014

One of the biggest problems I have living in South Carolina are the damned  
mud daubers. These are the most persistent insects on the planet. They 
build  their mud nests everywhere and until now I haven't found a decent 
solution to  the problem.
I purchased several Hot Shot no pest strips and I am pleased to announce  
that they work. No more mud daubers. Dead. Gone. I put one in the lazzerette 
and  one in the cabin. I hang it on the pop top cross bar when I lock up for 
the day.  NO ODOR, no fuss no mess and they just die. It beats everything I 
have tried to  date including fabric softener sheets. They ain't cheap, 
around $7.00 per strip,  but they last for four months. They are available at 
http://www.amazon.com/Hot-Shot-5580-Unscented-Repellent/dp/B0019BK8AG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1403353093&sr=8-1&keywords=hot+shot+bug+killer and  
probably your local hardware store.

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