[Rhodes22-list] Motor Mount

Lowe, Rob rlowe at vt.edu
Tue Jun 2 09:46:25 EDT 2020

What the hell?  The whole wood block gave way and took your motor with it?  So not the entire lift but just the block attached to it?  I think you win the prize for something, but not sure what that would be.  Which lift do you have? - rob

From: Rhodes22-list <rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org> on behalf of Steelbone <ric at stottarchitecture.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 8:58 AM
To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Motor Mount

Launch Day always brings a surprise that you never expect. This one is was
especially shocking.
Departing the launch ramp, happy that the mast raising and launch went
smoothly, I untied and left the ramp under power. The wind on the nose and
strong ebb tide  current astern, a bridge to one side that I don't fit under
for the first 100 yards and rocks on the right. I told my one experienced
crew that all systems were go, but the conditions were sketchy, so if
something went wrong, it might be scrabble to fend off bridge pilings, rocks
or other boats.
Less than a boat length out of the slip, I increased the power a little bit
and the wood block of the motor mount broke off and the motor was gone.
There was no indication of any rot visible when I repainted the block the
day prior to launch. Normally I tie an outboard onto something so that if
somehow it parts with the boat you don't need scuba gear to find it. I've
learned this lesson a few times in my life, but in this case, I was secure
in knowing that if the motor parted company with the boat, the motor mount
lines would keep it attached. I didn't even connect the batter cables
because the motor had started so easily with one pull, I figured I would do
that later, when I had time.

 I asked a couple of recreation divers who were on site to look for it. They
were happy to help but inexperienced and were afraid of the currents and
murky water at the launch site.  They tired and failed to find it.  I went
back the next morning at slack low tide and could see the Yamaha logo in
about 5 feet of water - jumped in and hauled it to  shallow water next to
the floating dock and got help to haul it out.

I never thought the lift system was very good and I wanted one that would
lift the motor all the way up without having to tilt it as well.  I know the
lift systems have changed over the years and I don't really like the
electric lifts I have seen.  I want a longer throw manual lift.
Stan - Can you send a replacement right away?
If not, can anyone recommend an alternative mount - Garlick or something?
I'm pickling the motor and hopefully it will recover from the dousing, but I
need a new mount asap - any ideas?
Hampton Bays

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