[Rhodes22-list] Ballast vs. Weight aloft

C. Robert Lester C.Robert.Lester at dartmouth.edu
Sat Jul 30 23:13:40 EDT 2022

I'm looking to learn something from all of you if I can advocate for myself and my ORION '84 R22.
It's my opinion that there is a technique I have not mastered yet on sailing an '84 R22 with little ballast in high winds with all the weight aloft from the 155 Genoa + IMF sail with its vertical weight.
Today's 3 hrs trip around Lake Sunapee in 8 to 25 mph wind gusts proved a test of my ability to sail efficiently with reefed headsail and main.

Main = 4' of sail at the foot
Headsail = 4' - 6' of sail at the foot

Skipper (solo) at 195lbs for mobile ballast.

I love the heel of the boat in high winds (hobie cat sailor) but I want for higher speed / higher pointing at those angles.
The boat heels but never reaches a strong flat speed so I can point!
I feel like the answer is more ballast?


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