[Rhodes22-list] Sheave (?) for Rudder ‘pull-down’

ROGER PIHLAJA roger_pihlaja at msn.com
Tue Sep 27 18:50:47 EDT 2022


Have you checked the Rhodes Owner’s Coop website?  ( www.rhodes22parts.com<http://www.rhodes22parts.com> )

GB62          RUDDER CLUTCH PARTS other than knob.

GB63          RUDDER CLUTCH KNOB tensions blade for remaining

                    fully lowered yet retracts on encountering anything.

GB64           AFT RUDDER HEAD CLEAT for holding blade up at any

                    angle.  Good for sculling.

Roger Pihlaja
S/V Dynamic Equilibrium

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From: Peter Nyberg<mailto:peter at sunnybeeches.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 1:33 PM
To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org<mailto:rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Subject: Re: Sheave (?) for Rudder ‘pull-down’


The whole rudder assembly is designed and custom built by General Boats, so that's the only place you're going to be able to buy a replacement part.  If GB is unable to supply a replacement, then I think your only option would be to make your own.


> On 2022-09-27, at 12:47:43 EDT, Bob Garrant wrote:
> The sheave (?) to used to pull down the rudder has broken. Anyone know where I
> can find a replacement for this.
> I’m not sure whether sheave is the correct term.
> It’s at the base of the fixed part of the rudder and it’s used to pull down the
> rudder. The blue line raises the rudder to a 90° angle out of the water. The red
> line pulls it down.
> See attached pictures.
> Thanks,
> Bob Garrant
> Sail la Vie, 2000/2017
> Kent Island, MD
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