[Rhodes22-list] Newbie anchoring questions

Steve rhodes2282 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 21 12:19:44 EDT 2003

Sometimes they pull out but Danforth are good about
resetting.  Depending on the ground condition you have
it set in; ex. grass condition is hard to get a reset.

As for the second anchor: That is totally dependent on
what your anchoring neighbors are doing.  If all the
boats around you have 2 anchors set; you should too! 
If everyone is on 1 anchor; you must also.  However,
if you are the first person to the anchorage - you get
to decide the method.  

When on 1 anchor - the main thing about getting the
anchor to reset is the amount of scope.  5 to 1 is
mimimun.  20 feet of water depth; need 100 foot of
rode scope.  If wind condition are high or a stome is
predicted; increase scope accordingly.  Up to 8 to 1
is usually good but having some chain conected to the
anchor helps this and would require a little less
scope.  I would have a least 6 foot of 1" rubber
coated chain connected to the anchor.  I use to not
use chain but one day in heavy wind when I was trying
to anchor; I couldn't get the anchor to sink.  My
drift back was so much that the anchor was flying and
Marilyn couldn't maintain a set positons so that the
anchor could sink.  

When you are pulling up the anchor, and you get it up
to where the mud is, just pull it up and let it drop
back into the water; uselly knock off the mud. 
Sometime when its real muddy, (I keep my anchor in a
heavy duty cloth basket)I grab my wash bucket and let
it over the side and touse a full buckets of water on
it to wash it off.  I always let it dry good before I
put in back in the lazerette.

--- Todd Tavares <sprocket80 at mail.com> wrote:
>    This is probably going to sound like a dumb
> question, but here goes.
>   If I anchor overnight using a danforth type anchor
> and the wind and/or tide changes 180 degrees, will
> the anchor pull out and drag?  And if so would
> likely just flip over and reset? Should I set a
> second anchor or use a different type? 
>   I am also wondering what others do to wash the mud
> and muck from the rode and tackle as the anchor is
> being pulled in?
> Todd
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