[Rhodes22-list] Todd's Instructional Details

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Thu Nov 25 08:15:42 EST 2004


    Do not be deterred by Hank's lack of response or someone's agitated
responses.  Your drawings and information are great.  You even have Roger's

    Again, investigate Westlawn Institute; you may be the next Phil Rhodes.
<http://www.westlawn.org/> http://www.westlawn.org/  Then again, maybe Roger
should be looking at their program.  Imagine designing boats from your own

    I can see the sign now, Tavares and Pihlaja, Navel Architects!  Maybe
you guys could even get that computer driven equipment that uses the
technical drawings to create the plugs for the design.  Maybe the answer is
that both of you guys should move to Edenton and build that 26 boat that
Stan always wanted to build.  Actually, an 8 meter boat would be better, so
that it has an international market.  Let it be said, you two guys could do


    Now another subject and question.  If someone had to replace the
supports under the cockpit floor that is 3,4,5 and 6, in an otherwise viable
craft, how should you proceed?


Ed K





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