[Rhodes22-list] gel coat treatment

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Thu Nov 25 14:06:56 EST 2004

Maguire's has a three step process which starts off with their #49, heavy  
duty oxidation remover. Second is their #45 polish and then finish it off with  
their # 56, pure wax. I did this to my blue hull and the colors lasted for  
almost two years now. I'm about due to pull her do it again.
I also would recommend the use of a good orbital waxer/polisher. It will  
save a lot of wear and tear on the arms. The first time I did this I used my  
1/2" electric drill with a wool buff pad. Great body building exercise if you  
need it.
Be sure to follow each containers directions and you will have a gorgeous  
hull once again.

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