[Rhodes22-list] Printed Laminated Charts

William E. Wickman wewickman at duke-energy.com
Fri Dec 30 13:05:54 EST 2005

Yes.  I got the electronic charts with the book.  I haven't printed
anything yet, but have had a lot of fun plotting out routes.  The software
will even calculate how much time and fuel you will burn for a given route.
Of course you have to input your cruising speed and fuel consumption rate
at given speeds.  For sailboats the fuel consumption isn't such a big deal,
but it may be helpful for planning purposes.

I bought from Defender which seemed cheaper than anywhere else, and MapTech
is offering a $10 rebate until the end of the year.  Yikes, that's
tomorrow!!  If you bought your chartbook after 9/14/05 then go to MapTech's
website and print off a rebate form.  You have to get it in the mail before
Dec. 31st though.

Bill W.

             Bill Effros                                                   
             <bill at effros.com>                                             
             Sent by:                                                   To 
             rhodes22-list-bou         The Rhodes 22 mail list             
             nces at rhodes22.org         <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>        
             12/30/2005 12:46                                      Subject 
             PM                        [Rhodes22-list] Printed Laminated   
             Please respond to                                             
               The Rhodes 22                                               
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You got the electronic charts with the book, right?  Some retailers seem
to be stripping out the electronic charts when they think they can get
away with it.

I've got the same one.  Cheap at the price.  I've been scanning and
printing out charts for a long time.  Printing chart sections from
electronic charts and then laminating them is so much easier.  Also, you
can make the print bigger so you can actually read the information you
need without fumbling for reading glasses.  Also you can mark the
laminated surface and then wipe if off--you can do the same with the
waterproof charts but they don't hold up to wear and tear as well as my
custom laminated charts.

Bill Effros

William E. Wickman wrote:

>I hear you.  I'm afflicted with Chartbookitis.  I just got the MapTech
>chartbook for the upper Florida Keys and can't stop looking at it.
>Bill W.

>             Bill Effros

>             <bill at effros.com>

>             Sent by:                                                   To

>             rhodes22-list-bou         The Rhodes 22 mail list

>             nces at rhodes22.org         <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>

>                                                                        cc


>             12/30/2005 11:41                                      Subject

>             AM                        Re: [Rhodes22-list] Sailing Today



>             Please respond to

>               The Rhodes 22

>                 mail list

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>Got me.
>I'm feeling cocky.
>Still think I'll be in Miami this winter.  Looking for new challenges.
>Bill Effros
>William E. Wickman wrote:
>>Hey Bill, I thought you were going down to Miami to check out launch
>>Bill W.
>>            Bill Effros
>>            <bill at effros.com>
>>            Sent by:                                                   To
>>            rhodes22-list-bou         The Rhodes 22 mail list
>>            nces at rhodes22.org         <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>>                                                                       cc
>>            12/30/2005 10:34                                      Subject
>>            AM                        Re: [Rhodes22-list] Sailing Today
>>            Please respond to
>>              The Rhodes 22
>>                mail list
>>            <rhodes22-list at rh
>>               odes22.org>
>>When does it start to get comfortable down there?  When does it end?
>>Where should I look to learn more about the waters?
>>If you could pick one spot in South Texas to sail, where would it be?
>>Bill Effros
>>Jim White wrote:
>>>Gave Menagerie a thorough bath last evening, and checked the rigging,
>>engine and cabin...thought I might take a sunset cruise as the wind was
>>just about perfect <12 knots, bay smooth as glass, noone else out. Oh
>>and the air temp was about 80...
>>>Alas, I dawdled too much, and choose to stay and enjoy a beverage or
>>>Going to bail after lunch today and sail till after dark, carbon copy
>>day. Might fish for awhile too, speckled trout have been on a feeding
>>frenzy along with redfish.
>>>I love South Texas in the winter. Makes up for the hellish summer.
>>Selective amnesia, every summer I swear I'm going to move, go somewhere
>>more temperate...each winter, I forget about it...
>>>Jim White
>>>Le Menagerie
>>>Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less
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>>Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
>>Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
>Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
>Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
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