[Rhodes22-list] Saturday sail.

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Sun Oct 16 10:16:26 EDT 2005

I didn't see much wildlife except for a few Monarch Buterfly's going south.  
However, I did see one huge asshole. I had a 45 foot Carver with a flybridge  
pass within 100 feet of my bow going full throttle. I had right of way and 
this  jerk didn't slow down. I headed into his wake, which was huge by the way, 
and  took it on the bow. The wave came over the deck, into the open cabin and 
washed  all the way back into the cockpit. In all my years of boating I have 
never seen  anything so stupid. I will find this boat because there aren't many 
places on  this lake he can hide from me. If I had had a paint ball gun on 
board I could  have easily plastered him.
Everything inside the cabin got soaked including electronics and my cell  
phone. I can't wait to meet this jerk.

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