[Rhodes22-list] Fall Haul?

Hank hnw555 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 08:53:55 EDT 2006


You need to use RV antifreeze, available at Walmart, put it in the fresh
water tank and then run the fawcett until the water comes out pink.  All of
the water hoses need the anti-freeze to avoid freezing and rupturing during
the winter.


On 7/9/06, DCLewis1 at aol.com <DCLewis1 at aol.com> wrote:
> Stan,
> Thank you for your post.  I guess a pumped out waste tank with a  little
> anti-freeze and a drained and dry water tank will do it. Maybe pull  the
> batts?
> Keep the bilge dry.
> How about antifreeze in the bilge in case water does get in?
> Interesting that the centerboard trunk isn't swelled  from freezing
> -  maybe
> it's miniscule - I'm not looking for a problem, if it works  great.
> Anything else needed for winterizing?
> We'd probably pull the OB for servicing, at least temporarily.  Does  the
> remote stuff detach from the motor, or does the assembly  mounted on the
> tiller
> have to follow the motor?  If we can leave  the throttle & gear shift on
> the
> tiller, do they and the cables to  the motor  need periodic maintenance?
> Dave
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