[Rhodes22-list] Polical reply - about UTube made for you...

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Tue Mar 4 13:25:09 EST 2008

Tootle wrote:
> Was posted because it was a moving and good quality production.

Agreed, and thank you.

> A member of this forum sail, "you are preaching to the choir."   He further
> stated, "As to bringing our troops home, the discussion is only about timing
> and method."
> This is a typical fellow traveler reply to the issue...

If rational discussion is not about when 
and under what conditions our troops come 
home, then the presumption is that they 
will be there forever.  Do I understand 
that you want our finest in country with 
no end in sight?

Please don't take everything I say and 
make it a basis for one of your anti-Marxist 
diatribes.  For one thing, you 
mis-characterize me, and for another, you 
spend your credibility to no purpose.  

If you read what I said carefully, I believe 
you will find nothing in it to disagree with.
In fact, it is probably as close as I will 
ever come to agreeing with you.

Your post contained a good piece.  Let's not 
demean it by playing political games.  

I apologize if you took my reference to 
"preaching to the choir" as a put-down.  
It is usually interpreted as "making a 
statement to those who already agree with 
you" as I did in my note.


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