[Rhodes22-list] Politics - Stan and Brad

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 12:06:46 EDT 2008


"He's toast" because Barry Obama has more "lost" baggage than any airline
and it will come to light.  Had the MSM done their job instead of getting a
"tingling in their leg" listening to him speak, this would already be in the
open. The OMessiah ran "silent and deep" like a submariner  in the Illinois
legislature.  The guy made it to the US Senate basically unopposed and with
little scrutiny.  That is not the case now.  Right now it is the Clinton's
who are trying to shine a spot light on the guy but they are walking a
tightrope so as to not piss off their own base.  McCain will take the high
road in the general election but there are no shortages of 527's and
bloggers who will point out the disturbing associations and history of this
guy.  I don't have a dog in this hunt, for me it will be a process of
choosing the least of weasels, but it is going to be fun seeing the MSM get
exposed for their incompetence and infatuation. Obama will need ALL of
Chicago to get re-elected as Senator - downstaters won't support him once
they come to know him.


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com>

> I don't know that I agree with the statement that "he's toast", but the
> whole discussion HAS gotten me thinking about how interesting the US
> political process is. How often do we have political candidates that are
> seriously considered for the highest office in our country, arguably the
> most powerful position in the world, that fade into obscurity
> afterwards? Actually, the easier question would be how often do the
> losers NOT fade into obscurity? There are the occasional "succeed on the
> second try" candidates, but for the most part, if you lose a serious
> presidential bid, you can just about shelve your further political
> aspirations.
> Face it, we're a fickle group. As much was love the "underdog", we
> dislike losers more.
> I think Brad's partially right. If Obama doesn't become President, he
> will fade to obscurity. I also feel his fall (if it happens) will be as
> fast as his rise.
> If Hillary doesn't become President, I believe she'll be Al Gore x 10.
> She'll be unelectable (and will probably realize it), but will become an
> "activist" (or spoiler, depending on your view) for as long as there are
> folks that will continue to listen.
> Brad Haslett wrote:
> > Ed,
> >
> > Yup!  It's a mix of Marxist dogma and victimization profit taking.  The
> good
> > Rev. Wright is moving into a new $1.6 million mansion.  So much for
> > eschewing "middleclassness".  Either liberation theology pays well or
> he's
> > financing his new diggs the same way Barry and Michelle did theirs. The
> > O-man is going to talk tough to the bullies of the world but listens to
> 20+
> > years of white hating, anti-Semitic, anti-American rants, donates money
> to
> > the organization, and exposes his kids to this crap - but doesn't say
> squat
> > to the leader.  Yeah, he's one tough SOB. Other than watching this thing
> > unfold just for fun it's already getting boring.  Obama is toast, he'll
> be
> > lucky to get re-elected to the Senate.  Move along folks nothing to see
> > here!
> >
> > Brad
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:48 PM, Tootle <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
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