[Rhodes22-list] Follow up questions

Leo truegrit77 at gmail.com
Wed May 12 22:13:29 EDT 2010

Okay so here are the questions. Sorry for so many...

The first picture is from the gunwale just inside of the genoa track
(picture named question). I think this might be for a bimini but can anyone

The second picture is of a block mounted flush in the gunwale (pic named
question2). There are multiple blocks mounted like this throughout the
cockpit. Any ideas of what they are for?

Third picture (pic named question3) is where I think some of old tiller
hardware might have mounted. Can anyone confirm? By the way, in this picture
you can see how the mainsheet is tied in to the wheel. There is no traveler
on this boat between the backstays.

The next two pictures (titled spinlock and spinlock2) show two places
where spinlock cleats are mounted but I have no idea what I'd use them for
(maybe a UPS or spinnaker?). Thoughts?

Finally, the last picture (titled bow) shows the bow sitting a little lower
in the water than the stern. Anyone know if there is some inherent issue
here? I'm wondering if the sterndrive is somehow throwing off the balance of
the boat in the water.

Again, sorry for all the questions and pictures but I appreciate any
thoughts you are willing to share!

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