[Rhodes22-list] Trailer Question

Rob S. sealovertech at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 15 20:01:17 EST 2010

On a car that would mean the Toe is out.   Toe means the left and right wheels 
aren't pointing the same way.   (Cross-eyed, or wall-eyed)        OR the wheel 
bearings are loose / sloppy enough that the wheel can find it's own toe when 
rolling down the road.  I once had a car that would toe-out when braking heavily 
--     Overinflation apparently can also cause that, but I'm not sure why. 

You could check it (crudely) with a pair of straight yardsticks, a tape measure, 
and some helpers.  The yard sticks will be held against the outside of each 
wheel - parallel to the ground.  Yardstick centered on the wheel, touching the 
sidewall.   Do that on both sides at the same time,  have someone measure 
under/through the trailer to see if the distance at the front and rear is the 
same.   Using the yardsticks  will exaggerate the measurement so it's noticable. 

I've done something like this solo using string and jackstands.  (string taped 
to front tread of the tire, curves around the sidewall, just barely touches 
rearmost sidewall and then extends straight back for some distance -- and tied 
off to a jackstand (or cinder block, whatever)    Then you can measure the 
distance at any spot on the string to see if it's the same.  (or visually see if 
they're parallel)      Get creative. You'll find a way to check it :)     If you 
have surge brakes you may even want to try pulling your safety pin and trying to 
pull it a bit -- put some real-world stress on it.   

Good luck!

Rob,I looked carefully and sure enough, the tread is saw-toothed with the front 
being higher than the back.  What does that possibly mean?BK

> Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 10:21:09  -0800
> From: sealovertech at yahoo.com
> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Trailer Question
> If you look real close at the outside tread, are they sort of saw-toothed, 
> the front of one tread block is higher than the back of the next one? (or 
> lower, or back to front, etc...) Or is it even wear?
> If it's saw-toothed it could be play in a wheel bearing
> Rob
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